Minecraft Zombie Apocalypse Server List
You have to try play on one of the Minecraft Zombie servers. If you like to survive in a post-apocalyptic world, then join the game. Unite with players and explore the abandoned worlds. Survive and find food, water and medicine. Save yourself from the bloodthirsty zombies and improve your equipment. All fans of walking dead monsters is dedicated. IP node11.minecrafted.net 25583 Welcome to our new server! Battle through hordes of zombies on different maps and landscapes. Killing zombies earns you money, which you can use to upgrade your armor and weapons! It has many different features than vanilla Minecraft. The map will change sometimes, so you will never get bored of the same old map!
Rules: There is NO CHEATING ALLOWED. No force fields. Expert - $5 USD - Expires after 30 Days Have the /chest command, which opens up a virtual chest you can store your rare items in. Have the /workbench command which opens up a virtual crafting table, which you can craft on. Have flames following you like a blaze with the Blaze of Glory perk, used with the /blaze command. Wear a hat with the /hat command.
You look inside to find a stick of butter. On the counter is a bowl of tomato soup, you wolf it down. As you tread upstairs carefully, you pass the comfortable couch in the living room. Upstairs is a bedroom, a bathroom, and a closet.
Custom Modpack Server Modpack Server built with your mods & configs at no extra cost. Supported Launchers Minecraft JAVA Edition (Windows/Mac/Linux) - Curse/Twitch - FTB Legacy - ATLauncher - Technic - VoidWrath Server Locations Choose from 6 server locations USA Canada UK France Australia. Zombie Apocalypse Memory Requirements & Player Slots • Memory Guideline To avoid lag or memory errors, order a minimum of 3GB of memory. If you are playing with friends or planning on hosting a public server consider ordering 4GB or more. You won't know your exact requirements until you start building and getting more players on. Don't worry you can quickly upgrade your memory as your server grows. • Recommended Max Players is our best guess on how many slots gives good performance per GigaByte of memory.
Happy digging!!!
You see a reanimated corpse plod after you. You increase the throttle and keep riding. In the car you cycle through the radio stations--nothing. I could continue that tale, but I will not. I cannot do that because it's the tale of a player on a drastically popular and unique server. I hope I have interested you. The purpose of the message is to inform you of this idea.
This can be done(a proposed mod and idea list will be posted below). What would you find in an average home(IRL)?
My idea is based on a few things: survival minecraft, the massive amount of 1.6.4 mods, and a server known as VAAST(Variable Architecture and Survival Technology). On VAAST's Aftermath server, the map is comepletely destructable and beautifully made generated with a custom city. Now, this is all well and dandy, but what about more?
Looking for a new server? Why not try one of our daily random servers. Finally we would really appreciate your feedback and any ideas you might have, so drop us a mail by filling out the contact form.
Now, on with the message. What is a big staple in post-apocalyptic media? Scavenging--using whatever is around you in new and creative ways to sustain a meager existance.
IP: node11.minecrafted.net:25583 Welcome to our new server! Battle through hordes of zombies on different maps and landscapes. Killing zombies earns you money, which you can use to upgrade your armor and weapons! It has many different features than vanilla Minecraft.
Zombies have taken over! How long can you survive the zombie apocalypse? Its the end of the world as we know it and you must survive the Zombie Apocalypse. You need to protect yourself from the zombie apocalypse. You can use magic or tech to help defend yourself from the never ending onslaught of zombies.
You would find walls containing large amounts of wire that you could scavenge, furniture for any use, a below-the-sink cabinet full of cleaning supplies, nails and fastenings that could, in theory, be melted down into crude ingots of meta. It doesn't end there, the sheer amount of stuff modern society possesses is extreme. Imagine a ruined world in [modded] minecraft: streets littered with abandoned cars, the tattered remains of power distribution systems, the occasional home with a backup generator, the power plants that, with a lot of effort, could provide light to an entire town. These things are possible, with mods. Picture this: You log into a server. Occasionally you can here the sounds of gunfire, but other than that, your chat is quiet. You look around where you are.
There is a home near you. You go inside and yell--no answer. On the table is a grocery bag.
The map will change sometimes, so you will never get bored of the same old map! Gameplay: You get money for killing zombies. Use your money to upgrade your armor and weapons. Getting kill streaks will earn you more money. Once you have enough skill, go and fight the mob boss which will drop random items! Donators will get super awesome in-game perks. Scroll down for more info.
You can sort your searches according to which servers have the most players, the best uptime, the most votes or just see a random list. Looking for a new server? Why not try one of our daily random servers.
I hope and pray that you would like to make this idea a reality. I have tried to run modded servers, but they are unpopular and I do not know enough to make something like this possible. Would you like to make this a reality? Thanks for reading that wall of text!!
Own your own ship and pilot it on map waters. You also get $40,000 of in-game currency. Adding more soon!
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The environment is constantly ravaged by storms, the zombies will destroy anything in there way to attack you, and just finding enough food so you don’t starve will be a challenging. Get your Curse Zombie Apocalypse Server Hosting here Today! Why choose StickyPiston? We’re a managed Minecraft hosting service, meaning we’ll always take care of the technical tasks, backups, updates and problem-solving so you don’t have to worry. If you’re still not convinced, try out a free trial of Zombie Apocalypse right now for 24 hours:.

Finally we would really appreciate your feedback and any ideas you might have, so drop us a mail by filling out the contact form. Happy digging!!!
THIS POST WAS ORIGINALLY A MESSAGE SENT TO F3RULLO14 OVER PLANET MINECRAFT. I HAVE NOW PUT IT HERE FOR DISCUSSION Hello, first of all let me preface this by thoroughly congratulating you for having the most popular custom server for the technic launcher. Also, I have always been a fan of the zombie apocalypse server. I have had a few thoughts about making a very immersive modded apocalypse server. I hope that you take the time to read this.
The buildings are built in a modern style, but in minecraft wide, organized roads are not needed, for we have no cars; nuclear power plants make no sense-- there is no electricity that requires a generator(redstone doesn't count). Imagine taking Aftermath's framework--large, detailed, generated city, and making it much, much better.
On the bed is a single handgun. You check it's magazine. A single bullet is missing. You look down, a dead body is sprawled on the floor on the other side of the bed. You run back downstairs and grab a ring of keys off of a table. You unlock the car in the driveway and get in.
An Expert prefix in-game. You also get $10,000 of in-game currency. Donators will also have a bigger say in which map the server uses next. Veteran - $10 USD – Expires after 60 Days Have access to all of the Expert commands. A Veteran prefix in-game.
You also get $20,000 of in-game currency. Adding more soon! TITAN - $15 USD - No Expiry! Have access to all of the Veteran commands. Custom in-game prefix.
Find minecraft multiplayer servers here. Search for your favourite type of multiplayer server here, whether it's Towny, Factions, MiniGames, Hunger Games or just pure vanilla minecraft servers. You can sort your searches according to which servers have the most players, the best uptime, the most votes or just see a random list.
Need more proof? Take advantage of our 14-day Moneyback guarantee on all server orders. Remember our library contains hundreds of Modpacks, Maps & Adventures and the latest Minecraft JAVA edition versions too. You can send us a any time with questions or feedback. Order today and conquer Zombie Apocalypse with your friends! Hosting Packages 1-2GB 3-4GB 5-16GB Suitable for hosting Friends & Family Minecraft JAVA Edition, Bukkit, Spigot Small Modpacks (1.4.7 - 1.6.4) Growing Community Minecraft PC/MAC, Bukkit, Spigot Medium Modpacks (1.7.10 - 1.13) Larger Communities Minecraft JAVA Edition, Bukkit, Spigot Larger Modpacks or more Players Available Modpacks 48 164 268 276 286+ Premium Support Included Instant Setup Unlimited Modpack Updates Unlimited Slots Monitored/Managed Service One-Click Installer Install/Switch between up to 3 different Minecraft instances on one server.
Find minecraft multiplayer servers here. Search for your favourite type of multiplayer server here, whether it's Towny, Factions, MiniGames, Hunger Games or just pure vanilla minecraft servers.
It relates to how many players can join before running into lag or out-of-memory errors. Newer servers with lots of mods/plugins will have less players per GB, you won't know exactly how many players until your server gets busy. You have Unlimited Slots, set this in the control panel, use your slots wisely. It's a guideline not set in bedrock!