Suzuki Acoustic Guitar Serial Numbers
Inside at the neck is the serial number. I have a Nagoya Suzuki SD330 acoustic guitar. But I know nothing about this model. On the internet I have. Home > Support > FAQs > Search Result: Acoustic Guitars > Serial Number Chart For Acoustic and Classical Guitars. Serial Number Chart For Acoustic and Classical Guitars.
In Suzuki's case, the company was separated into - the Suzuki Violin Company, changing to the Kiso Suzuki Violin Company and the Suzuki Violin Manufacturing Company came to be called the Nagoya Suzuki Violin Company. Kiso Suzuki went bankrupt in 1987 and the machines and materials were sold to ESP. Nagoya Suzuki stopped making guitars in 1989. Many guitar players own more than one guitar, yet a common story it seems is that the Suzuki guitar is the one played most often, or that stays with them when all others are sold. Re: the serial number: on many of the models the first one or two numbers in the serial number stands for the year in which it was manufactured; from the 60’s to the 80’s. I have never seen a definite 1950's guitar yet, mainly because I don't know enough about them yet.The other prefixes/suffixes.W, C, S, VS, D, G, A, T, R, O, J.may follow other common meanings.
Serial Number Chart for Acoustic and Classical Guitars In the following charts, you can determine the year of manufacture for a Yamaha acoustic or classical guitar.
Is this normal? (I've never had an acoustic with pegs before) EDIT: Thanks to, I found this with dates, prices, and model numbers. Download software download free pc dmis 2010 hasp crack. Looks like mine was made from Oct 1968 to Jan 1973 and sold for the princely sum of Y15,000 in 1968 dropping to Y10,000 for the rest of its lifetime. So, an approximately $100 guitar woohoo Wonder how to decipher that serial #. Without others to compare, it's not possible. Might be meaningless to try anyway.
Today, there is a company called 'Suzuki Musical Instrument CO.' And it has no relation to the other Suzuki companies, but was started by Manji Suzuki, whose guitars used to be labelled with the 'M Suzuki' label.
Maybe you'll hang on to it and see that there is something special about many of their instruments. In any case, as Tetsu said.' Have a nice life with Suzuki guitar.' Also, if you would like to contribute to the establishment of a knowledgebase about Suzuki Guitars: Please::send in your pictures;:please buy a T-shirt;:please buy an original piece of artwork based on the Suzuki legacy.:). Really!.we want to keep the whole principle of an unrecognized humble manufacturer of quality guitars alive for future generations of: players and luthiers!!!!!

If you have a Suzuki guitar that doesn't sound so great. Not every Suzuki guitar is equal to an 'inheritance' guitar. But, some are. Some may just require a setup to sound better; others may be too heavily built or have intonation problems (personal experience with some steel strings built by Kiso.see the W300D video. The frets are a bit off compared to a Martin fretboard, same scale length). (the information below is from R.M. Mottola, a well-known and respected luthier, editor, and author.
WT-200 It has aged & needs TLC but the book-ended wood on the back is beautiful, no awesome!!! Would post a pic but don't see the option here. Tone stunning.
Project is finished, together with some running repairs to the body, and working well. The sound is good and definately loud. I was thinking about giving it away but every time I pick it up I finish thinking - man that was fun. I don't think I can part with this thing. Two more jobs to finish it off - polish the frets and restore the finish - and it's a keeper. You want to talk about a rare bird?
I posed the question to him in an email and he kindly responded and gave me permission to quote the following response.).check out his interesting web site - 'If you have read my site in any depth you will know that I am not one for simple answers, and there is no exception here. There are a number of variables here which should be considered. What exactly is meant by the term laminated top? Does it mean conventional wood laminates with the grain orientation of the middle ply at 90 deg.
Here is a link to a site with some Suzukis.none of the labels on mine appear there, and some of the data they have conflicts with the guitars I own so I can`t swear the info there is accurate, in fact I know some isn`t but it`s very difficult finding stuff on many old MIJs I own, I`ve got a whole bunch in the 'unsolved mystery' file, but hey, whatever.I buy em to play, guess I`ll just have to struggle through life not knowing everything there is to know about some of my oldies. As long as they sound good, I`m happy. I have still got a Nagoya Suzuki w-120VSC cutaway tobacco sunburst exactly as you describe. I bought it new in about 1983 and you are right -it is a fantastic guitar for the money. Although I use a Takamine en-20 (another 1980s relic)for gigging, the Suzuki is the first choice at home for composing or noodling about on. The action is fantastic and the sound is well rounded. It hasn't got the volume or tone of the Tak, but it's a much nicer guitar to play.
Value of guitar? (I realize without actually seing guitar this is very difficult) Thanks Marcel. Ok, maybe you know kiso suzuki guitars, but in my 40 years of playing and owning a martin, a billy grammer, a guild, a couple of old epis, a gibson j-45, and a few others.and playing almost everything out there at one time or the other, my suzuki w30 hillbilly outplays, out sounds, and even out looks them all. I bought it for $200 and honestly wouldnt sell it for less than $1000.
Suzuki Acoustic Guitar Serial Numbers
In 1982 this guitar would have cost £200 based on the 30,000yen price (W-300) which describes the price. We have a Suzuki guitar which has been in a corner for years thought it was a throw away children s guitar,still don t know what it may be. Inside says Model 80, SUZUKI GUITAR, Kiso Suzuki Violin Company Japan on a rectangular off white with brown trim paper. No serial number.
I have a Suzuki acoustic WR-150 which I purchased in 1978 for $145.00 reduced from $175.00, when I was 18. I believe it is a 1976 according to the salesman at the time. The Serial# is 71017. They were no longer producing them and this was the last one at his shop.:: The only info I have on it is the tag inside the sound hole which reads:Kiso Suzuki Violin Co Model#WR-150 and looks like it is hand signed by Suzuki but not for sure, could be just part of the printing process. This is said to be the same company that made the violins for the 'Suzuki way of Music' for teaching young children music.:: I was offered $1200.00 by a 56 yr old guitarist from So St Paul, MN USA who has had blues bands ever since jr high school.
The Interwebs are sorely lacking on search results for these guitars! There's a particular one for sale on my local Craigslist, which is why I started researching. I thought Suzuki guitars were 70's creations only, and inexpensive student guitars at that. However, the seller claims this particular Suzuki dreadnaught is from the early 90's and that it's a quality all solid-wood build. The name on the headstock says 'Suzuki Triple S' and the model is AD320. Does anyone have a Blue Book with more info? Any insights would be greatly appreciated.
Today at Mars Music I played a $1000. Martin that I wouldn't trade my Suzuki for. I really started to play for the last 5 yrs and everyone who has played it from pro's to novice really likes it and always comments on the great tone. I will continue searching and if I find another info, I will try to get it to you. Rich Palodichuk.
Alvarez Acoustic Guitar Serial Numbers
K-190J 902?????? Wos 260 BB 90431?????? T120 10903?????? W-300 -1980 Showa 50-55 Could this be 1974? WT-65H 80614?????? W-65HS 80636?????? KW-150 -1980 Showa 9510 90218??????
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